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Engineering Records Search FAQ's

Project Name

Project Number

Street Name

Street Type


Document Type

Date Range

Sorting Your Results

Viewing Your Results



Project Name

The official project name for a City project.

Examples include; CSO 20 Control Facility, Sprague Ave Rebuild – Phase 1, 2016 Residential Grind and Overlay. User may add asterisk (*) before or after to help identify a project name, for example; CSO*, *Spra, or *spra*.

Note: Project Names vary significantly; use Project Number or Street Name search options for better results.

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 Project Number

The official project number for a City project.

Examples include; 2885, 12892 & 2014080. User may add asterisk (*) before or after to help identify a project name, for example; 28*, 128* or 2014*.

Beginning in 1993, the City started identifying projects by the year, prior to then, the projects were sequential. All projects used up to five (5) digits. Some of the earliest drawings had letters preceding numbers, most of these were the earliest sewer and street drawings, mostly located in downtown Spokane and typically had the letter “S” at the beginning of the Project Number, S-1-2 is an example.

Beginning in 2000, the City began using seven (7) digit project numbers. Still based on the year the project was assigned (2000, 2001, 2002, etc.), the last three (3) digits started at 000 and went up from there, for example; 2001015, 2014080, 2019179.

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Street Name

Select the street name you wish to search, for example, RIVERSIDE, SPRAGUE, or MONROE.

You may start typing with the street name field selected to narrow the dropdown options.

If you wish to clear the street name filter, set the value to "-"

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Street Type

Indicate the type of street, for example AVE, ST, or BLVD.

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You may include the Section, Township & Range to help define the search limits.

You must use the format of SSTTRR when using this search field. Examples: 042543, 102543

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Document Type

Document Types are the categories of Engineering files. Below is a brief explanation of Document Types:


Documents related to improved alleys including pavement and sewer/storm improvements


Documents related to bridge improvements


Project specific details for City Projects including details related to sewer, storm and streets


Documents related to Easements required for City Projects.


Cover Sheet and General Index sheets for City Projects greater than three (3) sheets.


Documents related to Private Development within the City of Spokane that use, expand or tie-in to City of Spokane facilities (sewer, storm, street, water).


Documents related to Right-of-way for City Projects.

Sanitary Sewer:

Documents related to Sanitary Sewers improvements.

Storm Sewer:

Documents related to Storm Sewer improvements.


Documents related to street (roadway) improvements.


Documents related to Traffic Improvements, including signals, signing and striping.


Documents related to Water improvements, including transmission and distribution lines.


Recorded Plats, Binding Site Plans within the City of Spokane.

Sewer Information Book:

Older maps that show Sanitary & Storm lines with project numbers. User may then search by Project Number to retrieve drawings. Maps are available by north & south half sections.

Survey Maps:

Documents related to City of Spokane survey monuments.

Water Files:

Documents related to water improvements.

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Date Range

May enter a date range or a single date in the following format:  mm/dd/yyyy. The calendars may also be used to populate the date range fields. Dates are based on date added into our system.

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Sorting Your Results

Query results can be sorted by Project Name, Date Stamp, Document Type, Project Number, Street Name, Street Type, or SSTTRR. Clicking on the header of a column will sort the query results in ascending order by that column. A second click will sort the query results in descending order.

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Viewing Your Results

Individual files within the query results can be viewed by clicking the "View" button. This will open the document as a PDF in Adobe Reader and will provide the ability to print, save, copy or email the document. Adobe Reader must be installed on your computer and can be downloaded for free here.

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